Monday, November 1, 2010

Technology Infused Classroom

In the 21st century, it is integral to have a technology-infused classroom. We do not have to watch futuristic movies to imagine what a 21st century classroom looks like! You should be able to walk into any classroom and see the teacher facilitating learning and the students are actively engaged. The teacher and students are utilizing various technologies as tools that will enhance what they are expected to learn.  The students are using technology to research information, communicate with others, make presentations, play educational games and participate in simulations.
As a 21st century teacher, I promise to provide my students with a technology-infused learning environment. A student centered classroom, where they are able to learn about a concept using resources other than myself or their textbook. I promise to create a variety of instructional activities that will allow my students to use technology to communicate, collaborate and produce quality learning experiences that demonstrate understanding.

Explore the possibilities of integrating technology in your classroom with Discovery Education's United Streaming.

Technology Integration in a 21st Century Classroom

Check out these videos A Vision of 21st Century Teachers and A Vision of K-12 Students Today both assist in understanding the importance of integrating technology from the teacher's and students' perspective.

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