Sunday, October 3, 2010

Instructional Strategies and Technology

It is important to use a variety of instructional strategies, because each student’s style of learning is different.  Consequently, the teacher’s method should vary throughout the lesson to reach each student in the classroom. A teacher can help students take in and retain information better, by identifying the way students learn. Even though a student may have one preferred way of learning, they can benefit from the teacher presenting information in various ways. A teacher that does not take the time to differentiate instruction and tap into the multiple intelligences of the classroom is not providing all students in the class with a quality education.
Technology can motivate students, encourage curiosity, promote higher order thinking and problem- solving skills, and enhance any instructional strategy. Students of the 21st century love technology and they are intrigued by its possibilities. Teachers who implement technology in their lessons already have the advantage of capturing their students’ attention. As a 21st century teacher, I will strive to find more ways to incorporate technology so that my students have the upper hand in their educational endeavors and future careers!

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